Logitech m545 computer mouse
Injecting new life into an everyday tool.
In 2012, Shakes Design partnered with Cerebrum Design Taiwan to develop the Logitech “Ibiza” mouse, enhancing the M252 model with new buttons and features. Despite working within the pre-defined ergonomics, we crafted a unique design and color strategy to set it apart from other Logitech products and competitors.

Taking a different view
Whilst computer mice were often shown at a three-quarter view that best highlighted the ergonomics, we argued that most users’ first impression would come from seeing the top of the mouse, due to the way of how mice were packaged and displayed in stores. Thus, the Logitech m545 design strategy looked at transforming the top of the mouse with a focus on the new navigation buttons.

Applying our brand of design and trend research we analyzed potential color palettes based on popular music, cinema and lifestyle projections. These were paired with potential user scenarios to filter out suitable color themes to introduce to the market.

Detailed PRecision
We also enhanced the usability of the Logitech m545 from the m252 by designing additional navigation buttons for back and forth or programmable actions. Refined detailing and prototyping, ensured the most comfortable reach and action feedback for the keys, delivering just the right pitch and travel for your thumb press.
The final design delivered a strong contrast-based identity that highlighted the new navigation buttons and broke down the flatness of the rubber flanks with glossy contour lines to better communicate the ergonomics of the mouse from the top view. The navigation button design was carefully tested over multiple prototypes and provides the best clickable experience for longer or shorter thumbs with a strong tactile gap between the forward and backward buttons.

A Best-selling mouse
The Logitech M545 became Logitech’s bestselling mouse in Asia the following year and remains a popular choice today.