Brand Strategy

Explore archetypal structures and value-based brand DNA.

Brands are what people see, feel and ultimately trust. They require love, consideration, sacrifice and consistency. Our shakes brand trinity model offers a framework that allows us to transform meanings and relationships a brand may form with its users.

THe Brand Trinity

Brands are like people, we interact with them on basic human principles, their credibility or how trustworthy they seem, the way they talk and engage us, and the actual depth they can deliver. This trinity defines a brand’s challenge to characterize itself in front of an audience and requires an enduring long-term plan with consistent short-term executions.

Archetype Theory

We use  Archetypal Theory, first construed by Carl Jung, to construct a brand personality that is easily recognized by any audience.  Archetypes are universally inherited prototypes which help us to perceive and act in a certain way. They build the perfect foundation to assign presupposed character values that a brand can act out through communications and other forms of engagement.

design thinking business

Design Strategy

Design your future to transform your business.

Industrial Design

Turning ideas into reality with functional sense and desirable aesthetics .


Making sure things turn out working as they should.

Packaging Design

Impress on first sight.

Content Design

Influence purchasing decisions with key visuals and captivating messages.

Web/UX/UI Design

Reach a global audience and enhance their experience.

FIlm Production

Nothing says it better than a moving image.

3D Animation

Enhance your story with mind-bending effects and visuals.

Brand Identity

Turn key assets, make your brand unforgettable and enduring.

Exhibition Design

Drive visitors  into your space and deliver a brand engaging experience.